Problem Solving

Program 3: Problem-Solving Skills Training Session


Problem-solving is a vital skill that empowers individuals to overcome challenges and find innovative solutions. This program nurtures critical thinking and resourcefulness.


Participants will engage in hands-on activities to tackle real-world scenarios, developing practical problem-solving strategies.


Through collaborative exercises, participants will learn to approach obstacles with creativity and determination, setting them on a path to success.


2 hours
Target Audience:
Government School Children

1. Introduction to Problem-Solving (15 minutes)

  • Icebreaker Activity (5 minutes): “Brain Teasers”
    • Start with simple riddles or brain teasers to get participants thinking.
  • Welcome and Objective (5 minutes):
    • Explain what problem-solving means and why it’s important in everyday life.
  • Group Discussion (5 minutes):
    • Ask participants about situations where they’ve faced a problem and how they tried to solve it.

2. Identifying Problems (30 minutes)

  • Activity 1 (10 minutes): “Spot the Problem”
    • Show pictures with problems (e.g., a broken toy, spilled milk). Participants identify the problem.
  • Activity 2 (10 minutes): “Problem Cards”
    • Provide cards with everyday problems. Participants discuss possible solutions.
  • Activity 3 (10 minutes): “Problem Hunt”
    • Participants walk around and identify a problem they see. They discuss how it can be solved.

3. Brainstorming Solutions (30 minutes)

  • Activity 1 (15 minutes): “Solution Storm”
    • Provide a simple problem scenario. Participants brainstorm as many solutions as they can.
  • Activity 2 (15 minutes): “Creative Ideas”
    • Encourage participants to come up with creative and fun solutions to common problems.

4. Making Decisions (30 minutes)

  • Activity 1 (15 minutes): “Pros and Cons”
    • Provide a scenario. Participants discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different solutions.
  • Activity 2 (15 minutes): “Choose Your Adventure”
    • Present a problem with two or more possible solutions. Participants choose the best one and explain why.

5. Practice and Feedback (30 minutes)

  • Group Activity (15 minutes): “Team Problem-Solving”
    • Participants work in teams to solve a problem. They discuss and present their solution.
  • Group Discussion and Feedback (15 minutes):
    • Ask participants to share what they’ve learned about effective problem-solving.

6. Conclusion and Reflection (15 minutes)

  • Group Discussion (10 minutes):
    • Ask participants to share one problem-solving technique they found helpful.
  • Closing Remarks (5 minutes):
    • Summarize the session and encourage participants to continue using these skills.

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