Reflection cultivates self-awareness and personal growth. This program encourages participants to introspect, fostering a deeper understanding of their experiences.
Participants will engage in activities that prompt self-reflection, such as journaling, goal-setting, and scenario analysis.
By incorporating reflection into their routine, participants will gain insight into their strengths and areas for improvement, ultimately leading to more informed decisions and actions.
2 hours
Target Audience:
Government School Children
1. Introduction to Reflection (15 minutes)
Icebreaker Activity (5 minutes): “Memory Lane”
Ask participants to share a memorable experience from their lives.
Welcome and Objective (5 minutes):
Explain what reflection means and why it’s important for personal growth and learning.
Group Discussion (5 minutes):
Ask participants about times they thought about something they did and how it helped them.
2. Journaling and Self-Expression (30 minutes)
Activity 1 (10 minutes): “My Day in Pictures”
Provide magazines, scissors, and glue. Ask participants to create a visual representation of their day.
Activity 2 (10 minutes): “Letter to My Future Self”
Provide paper and art supplies. Participants write a letter to themselves about their hopes and goals.
Activity 3 (10 minutes): “Reflective Drawing”
Provide paper and art supplies. Participants draw or sketch something that represents a recent experience.
3. Guided Reflection (30 minutes)
Activity 1 (15 minutes): “Reflective Questions”
Provide a set of questions (e.g., What did you learn today? What could you do differently next time?). Participants write their answers.
Activity 2 (15 minutes): “Scenario Reflection”
Present a scenario. Ask participants to reflect on how they would handle it and what they would do differently.
4. Goal Setting and Planning (30 minutes)
Activity 1 (15 minutes): “Future Goals”
Ask participants to think about one thing they’d like to achieve in the future and how they plan to get there.
Activity 2 (15 minutes): “Action Steps”
Provide a goal (e.g., improving a grade). Ask participants to brainstorm specific steps to achieve it.
5. Practice and Feedback (30 minutes)
Group Activity (15 minutes): “Reflection in Action”
Participants engage in a role-play scenario where they apply reflection skills.
Group Discussion and Feedback (15 minutes):
Ask participants to share what they’ve learned about the importance of reflection in personal growth.
6. Conclusion and Reflection (15 minutes)
Group Discussion (10 minutes):
Ask participants to share one reflection technique they found helpful.
Closing Remarks (5 minutes):
Summarize the session and encourage participants to continue using reflection in their daily lives.